EOTech Xbow Crossbow Red Dot Holo Sight w/ Range Assist, Crossbow Pattern Reticle w/ Free Shipping
Submitted 10 years 11 months ago by admin.
EOTech Xbow Crossbow Red Dot Holo Sight w/ Range Assist, Crossbow Pattern Reticle Product Info:
The EOTech Xbow Crossbow Sight is a holographic weapon sight optimized for crossbow shooting. This innovative crossbow sight gives you range scaling data in a heads-up display. The EOTech Xbow Holo Sight for Crossbows uses a pre-calculated ranging scale that measures the back to belly of a standard whitetail deer. Simply position the base of the scale on the deer's belly to gauge the range, then align the appropriate reticle dot from the EOTech Xbow Crossbow Holo Sight, and you're ready to take the shot. The EOTech Xbow Archery Sight takes care of the calculating - so you can concentrate on the hunt.
EOTech 512.XBOW: Eotech 512 Red Dot w/ Crossbow Pattern Reticle, Black
Features of EOTech Xbow Archery HOLO Sight:
Optimized for bow hunting for deer
Precalulated ranging scale based on typical deer size
Package Contents:
EOTech 512 Red Dot w/ Crossbow Pattern Reticle for Bow Deer Hunters
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